On Saturday, August 17, 2024, for the second year, LCTaylor was proud to be the Game Sponsor for the Winnipeg Goldeyes’ annual Bark in the Park evening.

Fans had a fantastic time bringing their dogs to the ballpark to enjoy the game. This beloved annual event offers a unique opportunity for baseball fans to share a memorable evening with their furry friends.
Again this year, we had great weather, and loads of fun. Our “Teddy bus” – the city bus that has Teddy’s picture on it – was parked in the courtyard of Blue Cross Field, giving a focal point for our emotional support dog, Teddy.

Teddy met lots of people and dogs, and had his picture taken over and over. He didn’t mind, though – he’s kind of a “limelight lover”.

Teddy especially enjoyed his visit with three of the Goldeyes pitchers.
They really hit it off! Clearly, they all needed emotional support for the big game so they decided to wear Teddy pins for luck.

There was a great band playing in the courtyard for the pre-game festivities. Teddy was delighted that they all wanted to wear his Teddy pin too!

Like last year, Teddy was the Game Marshall, with the responsibility of leading the parade of dogs around the outfield before the game began. He and Yelena Riazanski from our office set a good pace for the others to follow. The parade ended at the pitchers’ warm up area, and Teddy and one of his pitcher friends, (wearing his Teddy pin, of course) got the chance for another visit.

After the Parade Teddy had to hurry to the pitchers’ mound to help out with the opening pitch. Along the way, he and Yelena had a nice visit with people along the 3rd base line. Tere were just so many people to meet!

Teddy accompanied his boss, Leigh Taylor, our President and Founder, to the pitcher’s mound for Leigh to throw the first pitch. The pitch was great, and of course, there were more pictures taken.

After all that excitement, Teddy and the rest of the LCTaylor gang went to hang out at the LCTaylor table in the concourse where we all had a chance to visit with baseball fans and their dogs.

It was particularly nice to have the chance to visit with Elsa and her dog, Beau, who was also attending the game.

We were delighted to be situated right beside the folks from another organization that LCTaylor supports, the Winnipeg Pet Rescue Shelter, a no-kill pet shelter in Winnipeg. It was great to spend some time with these fabulous volunteers who do so much to rescue animals in need.

Like last year, a special highlight for Teddy was to have his picture taken with Dancing Gabe – Teddy even stole a kiss! +