Debt Podcasts

Podcasts have become the best way to learn on the go. We now have the ability to download and listen wherever and whenever we choose.

The Licensed Insolvency Trustees at LCTaylor have shared their knowledge and experience in these podcast interviews. They cover timely topics and answer frequently asked questions that Manitobans want to know.

Don’t miss a single debt podcast episode. Download now.

Tax Debt – Solutions That Work

This podcast explores the steps you can take if you have tax debt you are unable to manage.

 A Guide to Consumer Proposals and Debt Relief

Should you file a Consumer Proposal? This podcast looks at this popular debt relief option.

Escape the Paycheque Trap

Find out practical tips to get out of the paycheque trap once and for all.

Cost of Living: Why Does It Matter?

As the cost of living continues to increase, find out what steps you can take to protect yourself.

Marriage and Finances: Till Debt Do Us Part?

Whether you keep your finances separate from your partner or have everything in joint accounts, money can be a divisive issue. This podcast talks about dealing with debt in a relationship.

What Causes Bankruptcy and What Are Its Consequences

Bankruptcy can happen to anyone who uses credit in these inflationary times. This podcast sheds a bit of light on this debt relief option.

Life After Bankruptcy

There is life after Bankruptcy. Here’s a look at what you can expect after you have been discharged and how to start rebuilding your credit rating.

How to Spot Bad Financial Advice

Not everyone that calls themselves a debt consultant is trained or has a license to do so. Find out how to protect yourself from bad financial advice.

Planning Your Retirement in Canada

Retirement planning can provide you with an outline of where you want to go and how you’ll get there. This podcast can get you started.

When Debt Is Not A Four Letter Word

Licensed Insolvency Trustee, Bonnie Hooley weighs in on good debt vs bad debt and whether there can be a distinction made between the two.

Why is it Important to Support Local Businesses

Shopping where you live can have a huge impact on local businesses. It will ensure the financial health of your community.

Canada’s Rising Interest Rates and Consumer Debt

Along with rising inflation – consumer debt is also on the rise. This podcast takes a look at Canadians growing debt load and what the future may bring.

Insolvency From the Debtor’s Perspective

In this podcast, Leigh Taylor talks about getting help with your debt sooner rather than later – where and when to reach out.

Divorce and Debt: What You Need to Know

This podcast features Leigh Taylor talking about divorce and debt. He shares his experience and knowledge around this subject.

How to Start the New Financial Year Strong

You can set and commit to achieving finance goals any time of the year. In this podcast, Bonnie Hooley shares her thoughts about setting financial resolutions for the New Year.

Finding New Ways To Avoid The Christmas Debt Hangover

If you are ready to step off the holiday overspending train, this podcast with LIT, Bonnie Hooley discusses ways to avoid Christmas debt hangovers.

What Is a Credit Rating and How Does It Work?

Check out our latest podcast and listen to Jillian Taylor-Mancusitalk about credit scores. She covers a wide array of topics related to this important measurement of our financial worthiness.

When Is the Best Time to Go Bankrupt?

Is there a better time of the year to file for Bankruptcy? This podcast features Jillian Taylor-Mancusi answering that question, and more.

Best Debt Consultant: Find the Right One for You

It can be difficult to know where to turn for help with your debt. In this short podcast, Leigh Taylor, explains the difference between debt consultants, credit counsellors and Licensed Insolvency Trustees.

Canada’s Economy and Household Debt: How Much Is Too Much Debt?

How does the amount of debt you carry compare to other Canadians? This podcast discusses Canada’s household debt and how you can improve your debt ratio.

How to Get Rid of Debt and Level up Your Financial Life

With the high cost of living and rising inflation, many Canadians are looking for ways to get out of debt. This podcast looks at the different professionals that can help and what they offer.

The Current State of Canadian’s Finances and Insolvency Rates

Canadians are feeling the pinch of high inflation rates and the rising costs of goods and services. Leigh Taylor discusses the state of Canadian finances and offers advice about managing debt.

Becoming a Licensed Insolvency Trustee

Jillian Taylor-Mancusi has worked in the insolvency field since 1992. In this podcast she tells the story of becoming a Licensed Insolvency Trustee and how she helps people with their unmanageable debt.

Most Important Bankruptcy Questions

The most frequently asked Bankruptcy questions are answered in this short podcast. Jillian Taylor-Mancusi talks about ways to reframe these commonly asked questions.

Reconciling Debt Overload With Your Faith

What happens when your faith and debt make you question your beliefs around Bankruptcy? This podcast explores the difficulty people of faith may experience when dealing with their unmanageable debt.

Scams: How to Recognize and Avoid Online Fraud

Online fraud is becoming more prevalent as we are all conducting more of our everyday activities on the internet. Licensed Insolvency Trustee. Bonnie Hooley takes a look at online scams and how to avoid them.

Effects of Financial Stress on Mental Health

Unmanageable debt can be stressful. This podcast explores the effect financial stress has on our mental health.

How to Budget on an Irregular Income

If you are finding it difficult to manage your finances when your income varies from month to month – this podcast looks a budgeting with an irregular income.

When to Declare Bankruptcy in Canada

If you are struggling with your debt load, this podcast will give you a guideline as to when to reach out for help.

Bankruptcy Demographics: Who Files for Bankruptcy?

Who files for Bankruptcy? You may be surprised. In this podcast Jillian Taylor-Mancusi talks about her experience working with clients and what you can expect when you book an appointment with a Licensed Insolvency Trustee.

CRA Tax Debt Relief in Canada

Licensed Insolvency Trustee, Bonnie Hooley discusses the CRA and tax debt in this timely podcast. If you are hoping your tax debt might just magically disappear, listen in.

Debt Help: Bankruptcy for Senior Citizens

Bonnie Hooley discusses the most common debt issues that affect seniors, the effects of Bankruptcy as a senior, and what happens to your debt when you die.

How to Avoid Credit Card Debt

Credit cards – the most common form of unsecured debt. Most of us use them but do we know what compound interest is and how credit card companies make money? Jillian-Taylor Mancusi sheds some light on this subject.

Consumer Proposals vs Bankruptcy

Many Canadians are carrying more debt than they can handle. Two of the most popular debt relief options are filing a Bankruptcy or a Consumer Proposal. Jillian Taylor-Mancusi looks at the difference between the two.


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