Teddy, LCTaylor’s Emotional Support Dog in the Driver’s seat of the Teddy bus.
On August 12th, LCTaylor had the pleasure of sponsoring the Winnipeg Goldeyes’ Bark in the Park evening. It was a fun evening, with lots of people bringing their dogs to the ballpark for the game. This is an annual event for the Goldeyes, which gives a unique opportunity to their fans to share an evening out with their dogs.
Teddy, LCTaylor’s Emotional Support Dog, had the time of his life! He met lots of new people and dogs, and he got to see the “Teddy Bus” (a bus with his picture on it) for the first time! He and the driver really hit it off, so Teddy even got to sit in the driver’s seat and pretend he was driving.

Elsa, Teddy, and Dancing Gabe.
A highlight of the evening for Teddy was getting his picture taken with Dancing Gabe, and even with some of the Goldeyes players.
It wasn’t all fun and games for Teddy, though. He was the Game Marshall, which meant that he had to lead the parade of dogs around the outfield before the game began. Oddly, the other dogs seemed to have a tough time keeping up with little Teddy, who took his role very seriously.

Teddy leading the pack as the Grand Marshall

LCTaylor Staff and their pets.
Several of our staff members attended with their dogs. It was fun to get the four-legged members of our LCTaylor family together. Unfortunately, the cats could not attend.
We were all happy to see our President and founder, Leigh Taylor, throw out the first pitch, and our display table in the concourse gave us the opportunity to meet lots of the Goldeyes fans and their dogs.

President and founder, Leigh Taylor, threw the first pitch.

Jo-Ann and cut out Teddy.
In all, a great evening – the Goldeyes played fabulously, the dogs were really well behaved and seemed to appreciate the evening out, and Teddy made lots of new friends.
LCTaylor enjoyed being a part of this wonderful Winnipeg community event.